Wow, today was really amazing. We got a car, got lost, and stayed in a crazy Austrian castle. The day started off with us rising at about 7:30, getting some breakfast and packing. We got a cab at our street corner and took off towards the BMW “European delivery” office, on the outskirts of Munich. We got there and were greeted by a rather reserved bunch. We passed the hour and a half we had to wait by looking at the cars out in the lot and reading (and for me listening to my iPod) . The moment of truth finally came and we walked through the doors and there was the car. Wow, it looked nice. I just had to circle it a few times to take it all in. It was truly a work of art, and on top of that we were going to drive it on the roads of Germany and Austria. We got in the car and went for the theoretically short drive to the BMW factory. Of course we got lost and a 5 minute drive turned into a 20 minute race. On top of that when we finally got to the Munich plant all the parking spots were full. We finally got a spot after we ditched the advice of a German who had a personal grudge against all foreigners. We were finally ready to go on the factory tour. We had a very friendly young German guide who spoke flawless English. We walked into the factory and were floored. The first thing we saw was the stamping shop. There were huge presses that stamped out parts for the cars. Next was the body shop, where the car’s steel bodies were welded together. It was the most dramatic part of the plant, all the work in this section was done by robots. Next we saw the final marriage of the completed body with the drive train. It was very cool. We finally took our leave and got on the Autobahn for Salzburg. We arrived at our hotel and were amazed. It sits on a cliff overlooking Salzburg. It had a pretty stiff staff but it was a really cool old building. We had a good and very long dinner and went to bed. I wish I could say more, it was really amazing. Well, so long.