Hey everyone, it is the first day of July and our last in Vienna. We started out with a good breakfast and set off for some of the buildings Dad wanted to see. They were mainly Otto Wagner and Loos buildings. We climbed up the bell tower of the St Stephens church, all 320 steps. The first building that I was really wowed by was a Jesuit church. Dad had read about the church in his book, and although we had a hard time finding it, it was worth it. It was huge with some really funky faux-marble twisting columns.After a good lunch of pizza we went to my favorite building so far, an Otto Wagner post office. It was a really distinctive building, with a cool pattern on the sides and a giant skylight in the main room. We then hurried back to the Opera to get a tour only to see that the tour was actually scheduled for tomorrow. We thought of going on another walk but instead we retired for the afternoon. Margot, Mom, and I decided to try one of the Starbucks that has recently arrived in Vienna. I had a really good coffee frappachino, and we all enjoyed the no-smoking rule. From there I split off and went to a Ferrari dealer I saw nearby. I took some pictures and oogled over the cars.